Reunion 2007
Volunteers Page

This page is dedicated to recognizing and thanking the volunteers who've selflessly given of their time to make the reunion project a reality.

Peter Nauth - Reunion Organizer
Peter decided to put the whole thing together in the first place.
Alfred Ayache - Webmaster
Alfred conceived, created and continues to maintain the website.
Kathy Norris (now King)
Kathy was quick to offer her help. She's now taken on a portion of the Communications Plan, an important part of making the reunion, and this website, a success.
Laurie Burrell (now Stevenson)
Laurie came on board to assist Kathy Norris with the Communications Plan. Together they are tackling a big job.
Vicki Galloway (now Boyd) - Yearbook Editor
Vicki stepped up to organize "The Lost Yearbook" (1976 grads never got a yearbook).
Bob Eyton-Jones
Bob put his years of event planning experience at our service by helping Peter Nauth with the million last minute things that need to get done.
Thomas Carse (now Allnutt)
Tom's support and testing, pre- and post-launch, were enormously helpful and very much appreciated.

Be sure to thank these people for their hard work when you see them!

The following aren't associated with LPHS, but have been pressed into service, in one way or another, by their friends.

Brian Moran - Copywriter
Alfred: I met Brian while working at CSI. We've both since left, but have stayed in touch. I harassed Brian into reworking the FAQ. Thanks for the wordsmith fixes, Bri!
Chris Stretten - Designer
Alfred: I met Chris while working at Immersion Studios. I helped him with his websites (Plan B Animations and JS Portraits). Quid pro quo, I asked him to redo the LPHS crest for us, with a Web 2.0 twist. Hopefully you'll see it on t-shirts or something.
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