1. What is the purpose of lphsgrads.ca?
2. How did this get started?
3. Does registration on the website mean I've signed up to attend a reunion?
4. I'm not an LPHS alumni at all. Can I still register?
5. How much does it cost to register on the site?
6. What's with those "Desperately Seeking" profiles?
7. You listed me under 1976, but I graduated in 1977. How can I get it changed?
8. UGH! I hate my "Then" picture! Would you replace it for me?
9. My long-lost buddy has registered, and so have I. How do I get in touch with him?
10. Is this website going offline after the reunion?
11. How do I see only those people who are registered?
12. D'Oh! I've lost my password. What now?
13. I know of an alumnus who has passed away. How do we honour and remember him/her?
14. What if I don't want to be steward?
Website - Technical
15. What's the best way to view the website?
16. Sounds great! Where can I get Firefox?
17. Why won't the website show up properly in my browser?
18. The email links aren't showing up for me. What's wrong?
Odds and Ends
19. How can I volunteer to help make the reunion even more successful?

1. What is the purpose of lphsgrads.ca?
lphsgrads.ca is a meeting place for all LPHS grads, faculty and staff, from any year. We even encourage friends from other schools to register as guests.

Once registered you can upload your Then and Now pictures, tell us about your life, dreams and accomplishments, your kids and grandkids, put up a link to your own website, and participate in the forums. And, of course, you can get in touch with your long lost school chums!

lphsgrads.ca also supports LPHS reunions. If you're planning a reunion for your graduating year, contact the webmaster, Alfred Ayache, and he'll set you up.
2. How did this get started?
The website was originally created to support the LPHS Class of 76's 31st Anniversary Reunion in May of 2007. Since then it has changed its name from lphs76.a to lphsgrads.ca, and new features are added regularly.
3. Does registration on the website mean I've signed up to attend a reunion?
Not at all! This website is open to anyone who was involved in Lindsay Place High School: including students, faculty, staff and their friends and family. There's a separate registration mechanism for reunions.
4. I'm not an LPHS alumni at all. Can I still register?
Sure. We have a guest category for people who'd like to contact members of the site. In order to prevent spam, we do have a few rules you need to follow. We require guests to provide:
  • valid first and last names
  • year you graduated
  • valid email address (won't be published)
  • valid phone number (won't be published)
  • valid location (you decide whether to publish)
  • an explanation of your interest in lphsgrads.ca, in the bio field (after registration)
Let the webmaster know if there's anything we can do to help.
5. How much does it cost to register on the site?
Your first profile is free. Every profile after that is $2,999.99. (Just kidding about the $$$) If you have problems registering or logging on, please contact the webmaster at .
6. What's with those "Desperately Seeking" profiles?
Once again, has to do with the original Class of 76 reunion. We scanned in the 1976 alumni from the 1975 yearbook (because we never got our own yearbook that year). Unfortunately, for one reason or another, not everyone showed up in there.

If you weren't included and would like to add your profile, hit the Login link in the menu on the left side of the page, and follow the "register here" instructions.
7. You listed me under 1976, but I graduated in 1977. How can I get it changed?
It's probably from a mistake in the yearbook. A number of 1977 graduates were mistakenly included in the 1976 class (as they didn't have these fancy databases back then).

To change your graduation year, you should register by hitting the "If you are X. XXXXX, then click here!" link in the profile. You'll then be able to change your garduating year. If you know someone who's been miscategorized, please send an email to and we'll adjust it.
8. UGH! I hate my "Then" picture! Would you replace it for me?
You can replace it yourself! Simply register and upload a different image. Keep in mind that each of your Then and Now pictures must be under 20K in size, 150 pixels in width or 300 pixels in height. If you're not familiar with pixel sizes, simply drop by your local Kinko's or copy shop. They'll scan your picture, crop and resize it as needed. (Make sure you mention the pixel sizes as noted above.)
9. My long-lost buddy has registered, and so have I. How do I get in touch with him?
For privacy reasons, we've decided not to publish contact information. You can contact your friends through the forums. You can send an email or a Private Message.
10. Is this website going offline after the reunion?
No. We're planning on keeping this site going until at least the 50th anniversary reunion. (Or until our webmaster quits. Whichever comes first.) In the meantime, if your handy with PHP/MySQL, HTML and JavaScript, maybe you'd like to help out, and eventually take over. Webmasters don't last forever, you know.
11. How do I see only those people who are registered?
Under the Profiles menu item, select Active Members.
12. D'Oh! I've lost my password. What now?
One of these days we'll have a Lost Password facility. Until then, you'll need to email the webmaster at with your User ID, and he'll send you a new password which you can change after you log in. You may want to write down your password so you don't lose it again.
13. I know of an alumnus who has passed away. How do we honour and remember him/her?
The site accommodates deceased alumni with an In Memoriam status. Each In Memoriam profile must have a steward who takes responsibility for the information there, and answers any questions other members may send regarding the deceased.

If you're prepared to act as steward for your friend's profile, register under that profile and fill out the information you feel is appropriate to share with the site's members. Then email your name and relation-to-the-deceased, to the webmaster at , and he'll set the status to In Memoriam and update you as steward.

In Memoriam profiles display the steward's name and relationship to the deceased at the bottom of the page.
14. What if I don't want to be steward?
No problem. Give us the information you have and we'll set it up for you. If you have contact information for the person's family, they might want to be stewards. Someone else may want to be steward when they see an empty steward field. All they need to do is contact the webmaster at .

Please be advised that we will provide attribution as to where we obtained the information displayed.
Website - Technical
15. What's the best way to view the website?
Although most people use Internet Explorer, we've found the open source Mozilla Firefox browser to be vastly superior, with fewer bugs and more security. Moreover, the tabbed browsing experience will completely transform your relationship with the Internet! (No. Really!)
16. Sounds great! Where can I get Firefox?
You can download Firefox from our good friends at Google (click the button in the right column at the top of this page). It comes with their highest recommendation, and a very handy toolbar they added for you. Plus, by installing it through this link, you'll be helping to support this site.
17. Why won't the website show up properly in my browser?
We've used fairly leading-edge techniques to construct the LPHS website. Therefore, you need fairly modern browsers to view the pages properly. For example, we know there's a positioning problem in Netscape 7, but through Netscape 8 you can view the pages properly.

We developed the site using Firefox 2.0, then tested it for compatibility with Internet Explorer 6. We highly recommend you use Firefox 2.0 to view this website and for Internet surfing in general. In our webmaster's opinion, there are only two legitimate uses for IE: updating Windows, and downloading Firefox. Probably not in that order.
18. The email links aren't showing up for me. What's wrong?
We've encoded all our email links in a programming language called JavaScript to reduce the amount of spam we receive. You've probably got JavaScript turned off in your browser. Click this page for instructions on how to turn it back on.
Odds and Ends
19. How can I volunteer to help make the reunion even more successful?
We appreciate all the help we can get. Plus, the more effort we put into the reunion, the better it will turn out. So if you want to help, please contact Peter Nauth at 514 332-4911, or .
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