Reunion 2012 Details

We'll be updating this page with the details of the reunion as they become available. So check back often.

Lindsay's All Years 50th Anniversary Reunion will be held Oct 5-7, 2012 (Thanksgiving Weekend).

A Tentative Schedule of Events

We would appreciate input from former students re the events for the reunion. If you have suggestions for activities, please contact Bill Holt at


  • Meet & Greet at Lindsay Place on Friday evening
  • Visit the classrooms arranged by decades to initially meet your classmates and teachers.
  • Mingle in the gyms and the hospitality tent.

Saturday Morning

  • Mini Open House and Guided Tours
  • Musical Concert in auditorium involving past and present students
  • Mini Volleyball Tournament - lower gym
  • Meeting Teachers in the Cafeteria - specific times for the decades
  • Activities Planned for Alumni's Youngsters
  • Soccer Game versus another school or mixed teams with alumni and present players

Saturday Afternoon

  • Upper foyer (upper gym) - taped music of the decades - soc hop
  • Review of Lindsay's Musical in auditorium: present students provide the chorus while grads are showcased, singing songs from musicals they performed in.
  • Alumni Basketball games in upper gym
  • Lacrosse Game - present & past players
  • Flag football - upper field
  • Meeting Teachers in the Cafeteria - specific times for the decades
  • Activities Planned for Alumni's Youngsters

Saturday Evening

  • Dance at Lindsay Place with buffet midway through the evening.

Sunday Brunch

  • will be organized if sufficient number of alumni are interested.
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