Reunion 2008
Who's Coming?

The following will be attending the Dinner and Dance at the Hilton.

Want to join the fun? See instructions at the bottom of the page.

  Name Dinner Menu
Choice 1
Choice 2
1. Carmen Aradi 2 Vegetarian Chicken
2. Alfred Ayache 1 Veal
3. Carole Ayache 1 Veal
4. Chris Baumann 1 Chicken
5. Arthur Benilous 2 Chicken Veal
6. Peter Berg 1 Veal
7. Kim Bird 1 Chicken
8. Peter Bolle 1 Veal
9. Julie Bright 1 Veal
10. Robert Brown 1 Chicken
11. Judith (Penney) Burton 1 Chicken
12. Kathy Crosthwait 1 Chicken
13. Scott Curtis 2 Veal Chicken
14. Serge Delpierre 1 Chicken
15. Steven Dickson 1 Veal
16. Jamie Dixon 1 Chicken
17. Marion Ehrenberg 1 Chicken
18. Karen Elidoros 1 Veal
19. Susan E-J 1 Chicken
20. Diana Farah 1 Veal
21. Marc Flaig 1 Chicken
22. Stewart Freger 2 Chicken Chicken
23. Jim Galloway 1 Chicken
24. Tracey Gonsalves 2 Chicken Chicken
25. Natalie Greaves 1 Chicken
26. Cathy Gussow 2 Veal Veal
27. Bruce Haggart 2 Chicken Veal
28. Karen Hastings 1 Veal
29. Susan Hood 1 Veal
30. Mark Hopkins 1 Veal
31. Douglas Hykle 1 Veal
32. David Inglis 1 Chicken
33. Eric Jubert 1 Veal
34. Dina Kefallinos 1 Veal
35. Stephen Knott 1 Veal
36. Janie Ladd 1 Veal
37. Jo-Ann Longworth 1 Veal
38. Krista McKerracher 2 Veal Veal
39. Cindy Medicoff 1 Chicken
40. Clemente Menajed 1 Chicken
41. Brian Newcomb 1 Veal
42. Matt Newhook 1 Chicken
43. Andrew Oestreich 1 Veal
44. Donna Patterson 1 Veal
45. David Peare 1 Chicken
46. David Randall 1 Veal
47. Michael Read 1 Chicken
48. Loretta Sarrafzadeh 1 Veal
49. Wendy Scott 1 Vegetarian
50. Dawn Shipley 2 Chicken Chicken
51. Mary Sirupioglu 1 Veal
52. Laurie Spence 1 Chicken
53. Gary Stahlbrand 1 Veal
54. Tom Symonds 1 Chicken
55. Debbie Tait 1 Chicken
56. Scott Trasler 1 Chicken
57. Louise Verhagen 2 Chicken Chicken
58. Debbie Wainwright 1 Chicken
59. Graeme Wallace 2 Chicken Veal
60. Richard Weber 2 Chicken Chicken
61. Diana Wey 1 Veal
62. Wanda Wilkinson 1 Veal
63. Jeffrey Yamamoto 2 Veal Chicken

To add your name to the list: Log in, and go to the Reunion Details page. Click on the Buy Now button. OR, send your cheque to the address provided on that page.

Looking forward to seeing you there!

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