News Archive

All News and Updates items are listed here, including current postings.

News and Updates

A few issues:
- Updated our webserver to PHP 7, which doubled the speed fo the responses, but also broke some of the scripts a bit;
- Fixed the broken bits;
- Changed registrars as the one we had, the increasingly mis-named Namecheap, wanted to charge too much for renewals.
Hope everyone is enjoying their summer. Finally.
Had some issues with the old database interface technology. Upgraded to the latest library, and the site is ship shape once again. While I was at it, I updated the Google Analytics code, and switched the weather widget from Weather Channel to Weather Underground. As always, if you see something amiss, please let me know.
Montreal Gazette reports that faced with budget cuts, the Pearson School is considering closures. Full article: Faced with major funding cuts from Quebec, Pearson board considering major school changes
Another year, another issue. It looks like the forum software we were using was so out of date, our hosting provider could no longer support it. As it wasn't being used by the members of the site, I just cut it out. We'll put something better in place later. Maybe. Happy New Year.
The database has been creamed as of a week or so. Hosting company was transitioning us to a newer version. Oh joy! All better now. Sorry for the inconvenience. Took the opportunity to clean up a few old items on the home page.
Oh, my! It seems registration has been broken for some time. No wonder no new registrations were appearing. Fixed as of this evening. Apologies to all who were inconvenienced by this.
Moved the 2008 reunion details, and associated info, to the archive section. Will get to the 2012 reunion details this weekend.
A user reported a bug in the registration process, when using pre-scanned profiles from the [1976-31-2007] reunion. Now fixed. Thanks for the heads up.
Updated the Reunion Details page with additional info on the Saturday BBQ lunch, and games.
Updated the FAQ to reflect the new all-years nature of the site.
Added the Who's Coming page for next month's reunion.
The PayPal link to register for the 1978 Reunion is now available.
Updated the Reunion Details and Volunteer pages for the Class of '78's upcoming reunion in May. Soon to come: the PayPal link to register!
A couple of problems cropped up at the same time: a user with an apostrophe in their name threw the filtering system for a loop. Then ran into a registration issue. All fixed now. Happy Valentine's Day!
A new section, Reunion Archive, caused some display problems for IE users (you know who you are). Dina Kefalinos, of the Reunion 2008 crew, alerted me to the issue. All better now. Thanks Dina!
There was a problem with outgoing emails through the forum which would have manifested itself when sending private messages, as well as when adding posts to existing threads with members subscribed to updates. This has now been fixed. If you encounter any further problems, please do not hesitate to let me know.
Noticed that logging in to would not log you in to the forums. So I implemented the promised redirection process. Going to will immediately redirect you to Please update your links. Thanks.
A new, non-year-specific domain will be available for this website: The old domain will be retained, but will simply redirect you to the new domain. From now on, all links should use Thanks.
Tired of people leaving their names blank, so I put in edits to prevent that. Took the opportunity to tweak the layout.
Oi! A newly minted member to the site emailed saying she was having problems participating in the forums. When I investigated, I found that she, as well as three others, didn't in fact have forum profiles. All fixed now. Remember: if you have any problems with the site, please don't hesitate to let me know. I can't fix it if I don't know it's broke. In other news, photo gallery development is proceding apace. No ETA yet.
Removed the reunion countdown clock, as well as the Attending section of the My Profile page. So you can no longer update that section of the site. Not to worry: all that data will move into an archive, and we'll have a new mechanism to indicate attendance at future reunions. Still mulling the galleries. Sorry it's taking so long.
Well, the reunion has come and gone, and we're already talking about the next one. Everyone had a terrific time. I've started tweaking the site to accommodate all alumni, rather than just the 70's graduating classes. I'll also be starting work on the galleries soon.
I had changed the masthead to have the school doors, so I had to remove the triptychs (you remember the triptychs, don't you? That's the grouping of three student portraits in the masthead.) and that seems to have creamed the rendering of the page in IE. Worked fine in Firefox, of course. Peter Nauth's installing Firefox as we speak. IE now works as well...
Great news! We'll be having draws for doorprizes at the Saturday night event. Those people who bought their tickets by May 1st will get an extra chance to win!
OK, all you slackers out there who haven't sent in their "party tax" yet, have got a reprieve. Peter Nauth will be producing the nametags the week of the reunion; so the new drop-dead date is Monday May 14. All you other wonderful people who went out of your way to get your gelt in by the May 1st deadline, can feel good that you've put more green lines on the Who's Coming page. (Actually, we're working on a more tangibile expression of our gratitude. Watch this space for more info.)
Generated custom nametags and sent them off to Montreal to be printed and whatever else they'll be doing with them. If you're already registered, great, you got one; otherwise, *BZZZT*, too late. You can still register for the party, of course, you just won't be sporting the ubercool custom nametag.
Sent out the May newsletter early so people would have advance notice of the May 1st deadline. See the newsletter for details.
Integrated the Profiles and Filter pages into one. Also, fixed the table borders in IE which had been bothering me for many moons now. So IE is now in line with Firefox. Have I mentioned how much I hate IE?
Found a bug in the registration form. Fixed. Once again, if you find any bugs in the site, please let me know. Thanks.
Laurie Burrell is hosting a pre-reunion (and birthday) party. Complete details in the forums.

Added Nickname to the profile database. (For Bomb.) The profile filter also looks for nicknames.

Put the new Web 2.0 version of the crest on the site's masthead. I left the forum crest the same so you could see the difference. Moved the first item in News and Updates above the fold for greater visibility. Flipped the profiles tables just for the halibut. Added the Sponsors page. And changed the masthead background for good measure.
Sent out the April newsletter.
Reworked the FAQ with my friend Brian's (the copywriter) suggestions.

Enhanced the profile filter to search on Now names as well as Then.
Added the Walkin' the Walk table on the Who's Coming page. Finally figured out what was causing the weather button to dispay with extra spacing. Fixed that.
Good news everybody! Paid up attendees are now highlighted in the Who's Coming page.
Added a link from the forums, directly to the profiles page. Just because Laurie asked.
Added a link to PayPal on the Reunion Details page (you need to be logged in). You can now purchase your reunion "tickets".
Added a link to on the Lindsay Place High School entry on Wikipedia .
Added policy for guests in the FAQ.
Added Vicky Galloway to the Volunteers page; she's now the Yearbook Editor. Vicky's in charge of the yearbook CD. Send her your pix and stories. Read more in the March newsletter.

Also added the newsletters in the Straight Scoop forum.
Johnson Iwe was a fake alum who joined for the purpose of sending out spam. I've deleted this profile. If you've gotten spam from this person, or anyone else, please let me know, and we'll delete those profiles as well. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Updated the FAQ. About time.
Revamped the whole Who's Coming? and Attending sections of the site. Please update your attendance choices. Thank you.

Also, updated the Reunion Details page with new info. Check it out.
Sent out the second newsletter.
Huzzah! We now have lots of info about the plans for the reunion on the Reunion Details page. Film at 11.
Raising Kittens: The Art of Fostering Felines. A Raw Digital Photo Exhibit, by photographer Laurie Stevenson (nee Burrell). Full info in the forums.
Our latest registrant found a bug in the registration page: it wouldn't accept email addresses from domains starting with a numeral. Sneaky, sneaky! Fixed.
Modified the coutdown clock so minutes and seconds turn white on the 10's.
Fixed login for In Memoriam profiles. At the same time, changed login so it brought you back to the home page.
Modified the database to accommodate stewards of profiles of deceased alumni, and updated the FAQ to include information about the process for maintaining their profiles.
Added a countdown clock to the reunion.
To start off the year on the right foot I've added an admin function which allows me to roll back registrations. So, people who did not complete the registration process by replying to the confirmation email, will be rolled back. As always, please contact me if you have any issues with the registration process.
I've further changed that process so forum ID's are only created after the email address has been confirmed. This was previously an issue as registered members could email unconfirmed registrants.
Finally, drawing inspiration from my sister-in-law, I've cloaked the Now pictures until users are logged in. Just one more incentive to register!
Sent out the first newsletter.
Happy New Year, everyone! May 2007 be filled with joy, success, health and the reacquaintance of old friends.
You can now click on last names in the Who's Coming? page. Also, the Profiles Filter now allows you to filter on whether an alum is coming to the reunion. Plus, we now have page numbers and counts of the number of profiles being viewed. Did you know there are only 34 people with both Then and Now pictures? Get your's up now.
New feature: you can now click directly on the last names of the people appearing on the home page (new and latest updated profiles), and it'll take you to a filtered page with the profiles of all the people with the same last name. I should've done this long ago.
More fallout from the switch in hosting providers: The configuration forced extra slashes in front of special characters (such as single and double quotes) which were entered via forms. That means all the bio's entered since the switch-over have annoying backslashes preceding apostrophes. It's now been fixed. So if you want to go back in and remove those backslashes, you'll get proper text updated. Thanks for your understanding.
Brief service interruption due to some miscommunication at the new hosting provider regarding DNS. All better now.
Finally tracked down why the home page was appearing on the far left in IE, rather than centered as all the other pages did. Now fixed.
Discovered the outgoing email wasn't working on the new host. This had prevented a number of people from completing their registration. Apologies all around. It's now fixed. Please contact the Webmaster to complete your outstanding registrations.
Hosting provider switch completed. Please let us know if there are any issues when you use the site.
We're about to switch hosting providers. There may be a brief interruption of service. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Added the long-awaited profile filter. This will allow you to apply your own constraints to the profiles listed: by name, by year, by status or by photos. For example, you could ask for only profiles with br's in the names, and who graduated in 1977.
Fixed a privacy bug: a member's location was displayed on the Who's Coming? page, even if the member had asked not to have his/her location displayed. If you come across anything like that, please let us know so we can address it.
Added Year to the Who's Coming? table.
We had a problem logging in for a brief time. This was a result of disabling the forum software while we upgraded it. Stay tuned. In the meantime, the forums are back online.
Update: Forum software is now up to date.
Happy Canada Day! Wherever you are around the world, wave a Canadian flag today!
Modified the Profiles table of the home page to reflect all the years in the database.
Kathy King (née Norris) has taken on the task of contacting all the 70's alumni through We should see more fellow LPHS alumni here soon. Thanks Kathy!
[Event] Wendy Farha in Concert, 8pm, Friday June 16, at PBCA Hall in Dorval. $10 in advance, $12 at the door. More info.
Forums are now accessible by the public without registration or login. See this posting for more info. Also fixed a nasty little problem which showed up when you wanted to see profiles of people with names starting with C or E. Hitting those letters would not bring you to the beginning of the C or E profiles. After much digging, it turned out that lower cased letters at the beginning of names were to blame. All better now.
Added Google Ads to the forums. Menu makeover: now with 3D hover effects. Children and grandchildren are now blank when zero. Duplicate then and now names are suppressed in the profile dipslay; plus, added instructions in the name update page. And, finally(!), added the long-promised triptychs. Let me know what you think. (90 registered members)
Made changes to the discussion forums: Name Then now appears with user ID's in Topic and Memberlist pages, so you can tell who posted. Also changed the News and Updates so it automatically scrolls off older items. (85 registered members)
Yes, changed the masthead, again. Can you see the differences? (73 registered members)
Changed the reunion date from May 2006 to May 2007. This will allow us to contact more people, and will give our alumni time to plan to attend. Spread the word, folks! (62 registered members)
Added an "Attend" section to the "My Profile" page, so alums can specify whether they'll be attending the reunion. You can also see who's signed up on the new "Who's Coming?" page. (55 registered members)
Added "New Profiles in Last 5 Days" and "Latest Updated Profiles" to home page.
Peter emailed 260 addresses from the old LPHS 70's Alumnus page. Part 1 of the Communications Plan completed. Up to 37 registered members. Tell a friend.
Added filters to profiles, so you can now see, for instance, only registered users.
Huzzah! The LPHS 76 website is finally up! Enjoy, and let us know what you think.
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